Wednesday, March 31, 2010

don't let them bring you down

im currently watching the view, which i NEVER ever watch because i can't stand it. 5 women bitching, please, you can get that anywhere with any 5 women, why waste time watching it on TV? well i was in the kitchen busy, it came on as background noise, so i just let it be. It caught my attention with 2 things... the cast of jersey shore and octo-mom. as i watch both of these stories, i realize something. everyone, and i mean EVERYONE, loves to watch a train wreck. everyone loves seeing something go down in flames from a distance, but no one wants to be that center of attention. now, this is an interesting concept to me. it's almost as if everyone that doesn't truly know and love you wants to see if you've got what it takes to survive. they want to watch you fail. they want to be able to chat about you over coffee or drinks with friends. they want to be able to point at you and say "she/he did or did not do...*fill in the blanks*" everyone loves gossip. everyone loves a story. i will admit, i am guilty of just that. 2 thoughts come about with this...

1. i am going to try to avoid being the one that talks of someone else's life and life choices. it is their business and it is by no means yours to judge or point fingers. i am not perfect. neither are they...

2. don't worry about what other people think. they are not perfect. they just want to talk. if they want to waste their time judging mine, so be it. take it as somewhat of an honor really. they feel you are important enough to talk about! ha.

you are living your own life. don't let anyone tell you what to do or let them affect you and the wonderful life you are leading. go out and live the way you want to.

Friday, March 26, 2010

new day, new me

yes it is indeed. :) feeling better today. the sun is out. it's friday. my "birthday" dinner/celebration is tonight. i woke up for pilates. made cinnamon rolls. about to head out for a 9.1 mile run. some physique 57. shopping with the girls later. getting ready. all in all, it's bound to be a wonderful day. :) things are looking up in "me" land!

happy weekend everyone!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

blahhhhhh :P

sorry for being MIA. i am in a rut. i am slowly getting myself out of said rut, but it is taking much longer than usual. i am sad. i am not myself. i am unmotivated. i am unhappy. :( i'm not really sure what is wrong with me, but i am trying to figure it out and get out of this terrible, awful, no good, very bad day...week...month? :P i'm sorry, no inspiration coming my way tonight, but i hope to be back soon. the fact that i am posting this is a step in the right direction, so hopefully i'll be back very very soon. until then, keep living, keep doing what you do. love life for me, while i'm MIA.

peace & love.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

writing it now.

Monday, March 8, 2010

it's my party & i'll cry if i want to

it's my 21st birthday today!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

too bad it's a monday. and all my friends have classes/midterms/rehearsals. and it's raining cats and dogs. and did i mention it's MONDAY?? the ultimate monday indeed. the kind where you don't want to get out of bed all day and listen to jack johnson and knit by candlelight. THAT kind of monday. but i won't let it get me down! i think this will turn into my birthday MONTH because since all of my friends have different schedules i will end up celebrating at several random times. which is totally ok by me. :)
going out toniiiiiiiight.
live it up, do it big.

happy me day everyone!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

