Wednesday, November 11, 2009

nowhere near perfect

I am not perfect. I am however a perfectionist. And get so down on myself when I do anything less than perfect. Which is so silly since obviously NOBODY is perfect. I have such a hard time remembering that sometimes though. Especially lately...

Try your hardest to focus on the positive things of each day. There is bound to be bad things that happen, and for some reason it's my first reaction to focus only on those things and completely forget about all of the wonderful things that happen. Funny how that works. You can make a million and one improvements and feel on top of the world, but then with just one big screw-up, you're back to square one, feeling like a complete failure. I need to learn to shake it off easier and move on. Now, that's not to say completely ignore that said "failure", but instead acknowledge it, learn from it, know it will NEVER happen again, fix it, and move on. Dwell on the things that you did wonderfully in the day. Think about how far you've come and where you are today and realize you are only human. You are not perfect, but you can certainly give your 100% effort every time. It might not be PERFECT, but at least it's your very best. Work hard, but also love yourself. Don't stop smiling no matter what happens. Just keep kicking. :)

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