Monday, February 15, 2010

day 1

it is day one of my "fresh start" and it is suuuuure a good thing, because i had a final splurge this weekend. i have been getting some inspiration this morning because it is few and far between with my girl time of the month on the rise. so far so good though. breakfast of a banana and peanut butter, coffee, tea, and emergen-c, causing my energy to rise and my motivation to slowly come around. i've got a lot on the to-do list this week, so hopefully i get out of this lazy slump and back to the good ol' motivated happy me :) mother nature, leave me the f alone! ha. seriously though.

who wouldn't want to walk in sienna miller's shoes for a day? i certainly would. love her. so pretty. so perfect. i mean, jude law can't get his mind off her. that's saying something. for real. they just need to have babies together already. can you imagine? sexy at it's best on both sides. pure perfection.

aaaand with that said, i'm off to run 6 miles, physique 57 a bit, some pushups/squats/situps/lunges, and end the day off with some hot yoga. that is the pan. i will let you know how my out of shape body feels tomorrow.

pause, that was negative. i AM in shape. but i want to be in BETTER shape than i think possible. no self negative talk. i am beautiful. i am powerful. i am strong. i am sexy. i am fearless. tell yourself that constantly and don't you ever forget it. other people can tell you that, but you know you can only trust yourself 100%. and if you can't trust yourself, you've got a serious problem.

at yoga the other night, my instructor said "never try to prove yourself to others. you have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself. be happy and at peace with you." i love that. nothing to prove, no one to impress but me.

peace and love.

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