Tuesday, December 1, 2009

im a list-maker

i like to make lists. i find that i do things better and more efficiently when i make checklists and check things off of it as i go. i think i need to make a few checklists.

before going to dallas

1. do all laundry
2. ship box full of clothes/heavy things home
3. get rid of as much food as possible (i hate wasting food)
4. get my first wax ( :/ this makes me nervous, but very happy at the same time :) )
5. get my hair diiiiiiid (REAL bad. i need to be blonde again)
6. OPENING NIGHT DRESS??? yikes. who knows if that'll happen.
7. figure out new years plans.
8. figure out where i'm living in feb.

the year 2010

1. move to oklahoma city
2. get gym membership
3. get my pilates certification
5. train for half marathon in dallas in april.
6. train for half marathon in oklahoma city in april (POSSIBLE full marathon!!???)
8. take dance classes at applause.
9. get a tattoo.
10. plan trip to nyc before middle of march.
12. plan trip to LA sometime.
13. file for unemployment.
14. go to church as much as possible.
16. take a dance class at OCU.
17. visit albuquerque/teach dance classes
18. did i mention i need to GO TO BALLET CLASS?? cause im dying without ballet in my life. i suck without it. and im skinnier and healthier with it.

i realized today that we only have 30 days left of this contract. meaning it's time to fihure out what i'm doing next year. i love this time of year. not. at. all. im a planner. i like knowing what's next. i'm working on that. i'm working on trusting. today however was one of those freak out days when i hate not knowing what to expect. all i know is that i need to be happy with MY life. i need to do what i want to do.

things that make/keep me happy

1. being skinny/healthy/in very good shape
2. being independent.
3. being confident.
4. looking hot :)
5. keeping my faith
6. staying busy/having projects.

things i need to remember and do everything i can to keep them alive ^^^
i need to keep those things in mind. yep. sure do.

one more list.... things i want to buy... hehe :) guilty pleasure.

1. leather mini skirt
2. hot earrings
3. dark brown boots
4. sexy neutral color pumps
5. mini skirts of all colors (particularly brown suede, maroon, navy blue, purple, mint green, and pink)
6. tanks to go with minis

its raining. i need to go to bed now. its late. hopefully the rain will hepl me sleep. goodnight world.

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